179th successful appointment

Published 10:52 am Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Transporting Lilly Norman, center, served as Piedmont Senior Resources’ (PSR) 179th successful appointment with its booming non emergency medical transportation program, which fully began in January. With one vehicle, they have been able to give reliable access to seniors who otherwise wouldn’t get to their doctors in Amelia, Buckingham, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Cumberland, Nottoway and Prince Edward counties. “We’re so pleased and consider it an honor to help seniors get to their medical appointments in a safe and affordable way,” said Director of Transportation Thomas Jordan Miles III, pictured at right. Also pictured is Janice Lee, homemaker companion to Norman. For more information on senior medical transportation, call Piedmont Senior Resources at (866) 392-8432. We commend PSR for its ongoing commitment to helping seniors in the area. (Send “Way to Go!” photos with a description and names to WayToGo@ FarmvilleHerald.com.)

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