My dear countrymen — we are Freemen!

Published 10:27 am Thursday, May 16, 2019


In this America we all sit at the table of Freemen. We are fed different kinds of political food, usually, according to our personal preferences. Some of us want to eat all we can. Some want smorgasbord. Some want vegan. Some only want red meat. Some of us are engaged in forced feeding. Some of us want to limit the menu to fast food and big bites of cotton candy.

Unfortunately too many of us want to limit who can sit at the table. Too many of us want to limit who can eat at the table. Too many of us want to limit who earns a seat at the Freemen’s table.

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In recent years some of us not only want to limit who can sit at the table of Freemen, but would by hook or crook forcefully remove many from the table regardless of when we ourselves arrived. Some of us hoodwink Freemen into eating the American meal as Bondmen and Bondwomen — against self-interest.

My fellow Americans — we all desire good meals. We all desire healthy meals. We may have different political tastes. But, we must also consider whether any individual or group can remain healthy when much of the political food coming to the table is coming from garbage cans, or is covered with verbal toxins.

Our political food has become contaminated with toxic communications. Verbal pollution is noxious, destructive and destroys human relationships.

Now is the time for all Freemen to call upon our better angels and to determine with our voting voice how to de-contaminate our political food and ensure that there is always more room at the table.

Dr. Musa Ansari, MPA, JD
