Eagles greet international visitors

Published 10:33 am Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Prince Edward County Public Schools recently welcomed visitors from across the Atlantic onto its campus.

Teachers and principals from schools in Newry, Northern Ireland visited the U.S. to explore potential opportunities for collaboration between Newry schools and Virginia schools near James Madison University, Longwood University, and Prince Edward County. Professionals in attendance included administrators Richard Melaniphy and Isobel McKane as well as head teachers Karen Gordon and Lauren Johnson. This visit was organized by the James Madison University Professor in Residence for Prince Edward County, Hood Frazier

During their stay, the Irish educators visited Prince Edward classrooms to observe students and lessons. Melaniphy met with Mr. Foster at the middle school and attended Mr. Magruder’s class at the high school to discuss “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland and their political consequences. They also met with professionals from the Center for Global Engagement at Longwood University to discuss possible future collaborations and toured the local Moton Museum.

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Teachers and principals from Ireland stated they enjoyed being invited into the classrooms and observing American educational settings. They were impressed by the students and teachers of Prince Edward County Public Schools and hope to work together in the future.