Hickey running for Delegate
Published 5:09 pm Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Tim Hickey, former attorney and public school educator of 16 years, has announced that he is running for Delegate in the 59th District.
“My career has been about instilling values in young people and providing them with opportunities. And that’s really what my campaign will be about: opportunity and values.”
The 59th District includes the southwestern part of Albemarle County, the eastern part of Nelson County, all of Buckingham and Appomattox counties, and much of Campbell County.
Hickey, who is running as a Democrat, has been traveling across the district for the past several months as he has contemplated running. He said, “For all of our differences, I find that people across our district generally have the same concerns. They want to be able to provide for their families and live in clean, safe communities.”
Hickey says that expanding broadband internet and investing in education and workforce development are keys to economic growth in his district. “Many rural areas in the 59th do not have access to high speed internet, and that cuts them off from opportunities. People with access to broadband can search for jobs, interview for jobs, and do jobs online. They can start businesses or side-businesses. Kids can do research and homework. Without access to broadband, you just don’t have those opportunities. Businesses don’t want to invest in areas without broadband either.”
Hickey said that education and workforce development similarly provide people with opportunities and encourage business investment in the area. “We need to train people to work in 21st century jobs. The market for workers in fields like green energy, engineering, and health and medical sciences is growing. We need to be ready.”
Hickey says that restoring trust in democracy will also be a top priority for him. “We’ve got to end gerrymandering in the Commonwealth. These political games aren’t helping anyone but the politicians themselves,” Hickey said that he will also work to expanding voting rights. “No-excuse early voting would allow people to head to the polls a week or two early when it’s convenient for them. For instance, I work during the week and have kids, so I’d much rather vote on a Saturday. Providing opportunities to participate in democracy for folks who are busy working or taking care of family is a good thing for our country and our Commonwealth.”
In a district that has tended to lean Republican over the past decade, Hickey believes people are ready for a change. “People in the 59th District are independent-minded and look at the candidates rather than blindly voting based on party. I encourage people to take a close look at what I stand for. I support property rights. I value fiscal responsibility. I want to strengthen our democracy. I am grounded in values and commitment to community. And importantly, I am not taking any donations from for-profit corporations, their PACs, or their trade associations. So, I will have the freedom and independence to make decisions based on the needs of families in the 59th District.”
Hickey’s website is timhickeyfordelegate.com.