Employees contribute to FACES

Published 5:47 pm Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Virginia Credit Union employees load boxes of cereal bound for the FACES food bank in Farmville. Credit union employees donated 1,577 boxes of cereal to help the food bank recover from flooding that wiped out the supply of packaged food in its warehouse. The 1,577 boxes of cereal come on top of a fundraising effort that Virginia Credit Union, the Hotel Weyanoke and other local businesses and credit union members organized for FACES. That effort raised $31,770, with the check delivered in late June. Pictured are, from left, Tom Katovsich, Bonnie Photakos, Glen Lewis and Tripp Vint. We commend the Virgina Credit Union employees, along with the Hotel Weyanoke, The Farmville Area Chamber of Commerce and the many businesses and individuals who stepped up with either funds, goods or manpower to assist FACES following the devastating spring flooding. (Send “Way to Go!” photos with a description and names to WayToGo@FarmvilleHerald. com).

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