Let’s hear it, Farmville
Published 9:17 pm Tuesday, February 20, 2018
When reporting the news, we are committed to fair and unbiased reporting of the facts, covering the basics — the who, what, where, when, why and how. There is a time and a place for opinion, and that is the opinion page. The opinion page is where we share our thoughts on a particular subject with you and where you have the opportunity to share your thoughts with us and the community.
According to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of opinion is “a view, judgment or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter; belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge.”
At The Herald we believe that everyone has the right to voice their opinion. In fact, we welcome and encourage you to share your views, thoughts and judgments and have reserved space on our opinion page for this purpose. At the same time, we ask that you use common sense, civility and maintain respect for others and their right to disagree. Keep in mind that because you can say something doesn’t always mean you should.
Although we may differ in our opinions, we respect and will protect your right to voice your opinion on The Herald opinion page. We hope to hear from you frequently.