Centra Hospice holds open house

Published 10:45 am Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Centra’s Home Health and Hospice held an open house at its new office location on Sept. 27 at 1705 East Third St., which moved from its former location on Oak Street. Patients of Centra’s Home Health program and family members who had patients supported by the Hospice or support groups were invited to participate in the celebration and tour the office. A butterfly release at 2:30 p.m. capped the celebration, where monarch butterflies, brought from Charlottesville, were released into the county. Pictured are, from left, front row, Betsy Faraci; Carrie Stintson, Amber Hucks, Dana Garrett, Jo Ann Dawson, back row, Tonya Dove, Kim Butler, Matt Elliott, Malinda Miller, Cindy Burrell and Terri Layne.

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