Prince Edward County Property Transfers
Published 9:13 am Thursday, August 10, 2017
Following are the property transfers recorded in the Prince Edward County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office for the month of June. The listing includes the grantor, the grantee, location of property and amount of consideration.
• Leinster Nutrient Exchange, LL, to Joel A. Fisher, 5.74 Ac, Prospect District. $14,000.
• John Sze Wee Tan, to Shi Yun Lim, Lots 259-262 of Belmont Subdivision, Town of Farmville. Gift Deed.
• William C. Thomson, Jr., to Timothy P. O’Keefe, Lot 9 of Cabell’s Ridge, Town of Farmville. $222,000.
• Mary Morton Giles, to Arvind A. Persaud, Lot, Lockett District. $90,000.
• Thomas L. Varner, to Ronald T. Lane, Lott 11 of the Greens South, Town of Farmville. $175,000.
• Industrial Development Authority to Tri-Boro Shelving, Inc., 3.489 Ac., Prince Edward. $69,780.
• Lunenburg-Nottoway Educational to Jonathan D. Diamond, 4.69 Ac., Millers Creek Terrace. $15,000.
• Laura D. French, to BGroots, LLC, 1.052 Ac., Farmville. Gift Deed.
• Robert Christopher Mason, to Robert Christopher Mason, Lot, Town of Farmville. Gift Deed.
• Mary Fifield, to Debbie Fifield, 4.5 Ac., Hampden District. Gift Deed.
• Steven W. Garrett, to John William Reed, II, 4.92 Ac., Buffalo Forest. $69,000.
• Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to Anthony Couch, 2.005 Ac., Farmville District. $112,000.
• Phyllis Coleman Mason, to James Henry Coleman, 20.62 Ac., Prospect District. Gift Deed.
• Phyllis Coleman Mason, to Phyllis Coleman Mason, 8.96 Ac. & 10.87 Ac., Prospect District. Gift Deed.
• Farmville Farms LLC, to David K. Simpson, Lots, Prospect District. $1,899,500.
• Adam Blincoe, to INTOWNBIZ LLC, Lot, Town of Farmville. $172,000.
• Kim Turnbull Hall, to Charles W. Ironmonger Jr., Lot. Town of Farmville. $155,000.
• Ellen L. Masters, to James P. Nash, Lot, Town of Farmville. $100,900.
• 1103 Milnwood, LLC, to HIS Properties, LLC, .49 Ac., Town of Farmville. Gift Deed.
• 306 N. Bridge, LLC, to HIS Properties, LLC, Lot, Town of Farmville. Gift Deed.
• Martin Dale Johnson, to Roland Edwin Baskette, III, 45 Ac., Lockett District. $117,500.
• George R. Dickerson, Jr., to William C. Lewis, 10 Ac., Prospect District. $150,000.
• Edward William Devlin, to The President and Trustees of H-SC, 1.25 Ac., $274,120.
• Francell Scott, Jr. to Antoinette Baker, 8.24 Ac., Leigh District. $8,000.
• Rock River, Inc, to William R. Cameron, .523 Ac., Town of Farmville. $204,900.
• H. Curtis Pearson, to Nathaniel J. Boehmer, 127.50 Ac., Buffalo District. $355,000.
• CMH Homes, Inc., to Michael W. Reamer, Lot 37 Holiday Hills Subd., Buffalo District. $134,000.
• Brian T. Butler Special Commission, to HSC Poplar Hill, LLC, 9.974 Ac., Farmville District. $20,000.
• Deutsche Bank Trust Company AM, to Tiny Homes, LLC., .70 Ac., Lockett District. $9,399.
• Gordon’s Transfer, LLC., to Brandon R. Ramsey, Lot, Town of Farmville. $92,400.
• Jennifer A. Carr, to Hilton H. Harris, .318 Ac., Town of Farmville. $219,900.91.
• William A. Frank, to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC., Lot, Lockett District. $45,084.
• Teddy L. Curtis, to Seretha D. Bates, 15.8 Ac., Leigh District. $100,000.
• Rodney Womack, to Jacob L. Kanagy, Lots, Buffalo District. $250,000.
• Brandon R. Ramsey, to BR & JR Properties, LLC., Lot, Town of Farmville. Gift Deed.
• Betty M. Perkins, to CMH Homes, Inc. A Tennessee Cor, 5.19 Ac, Hampden Sydney District. $25,000.
•Joseph L. Langley, to James Stewart, 4.35 Ac., Buffalo District. $82,000.
• Monica L. Butler, to Helen Leon, 1.5 Ac., Hampden District. $149,000.
• Randy Allen Martin, Sr., to Sibyl M. Driver, 2 Ac., Lockett District. Gift Deed.
• Anthony J. Munoz, to Anthony J. Munoz Trust Dated Ju, Lot., Farmville District. DIT.
• George J. Collins, to Tiba Company, 2.36 Ac., Farmville District. $12,100.
• Harry Rife Wells, to Harry Rife Wells, Lot, Buffalo District. $2,000.
• Gary Hamlin, to Gary Hamlin, 3.32 Ac., Prospect District. Gift Deed.
• Annette Waggoner, to Donovan B. Douglas, .79 Ac., Farmville District. $324,900.
• Bank of America, NA, to Michael T. Rice, .0286 Ac., Prospect District. $45,000.
• Deloris Bruce-Davis, to Brenda Armstrong, 11.06 Ac., Prospect District. $22,000.
• Donald L. Benson, to William B. Powers, Lots, Buffalo District. $90,000.
• Dacia Wilson, to Diane M. Ridley, 3.47 Ac., Farmville District. $150,000.
• Phyllis Coleman Mason, to Randy A. Bailey, 10.87 Ac., Prospect District. $36,000.
• Pembleton Forest Products, Inc., to Pembleton Investments, LC, 289.46 Ac., Hampden District. Gift Deed.
• Sherwin Douglas Wood, to Tyeasha T. Wood, 5.10 Ac., Leigh District. Gift Deed.
• Equity Trustees, LLC., to JP Morgan Chase Bank, National, 1.55 Ac., Hampden District. $109,350.
• Brian T. Atkins, to Jeremy S. Lehman, 297 Ac., Prospect District. $382,340.
• Linda Marie Francis, to Margarito H. Sagal, 4.6 Ac., Lockett District. $42,500.
• Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to Wilson R. Gongola, 6.42 Ac., Prospect District. $106,582.
• Victor T. Jenkins, to G&D Investments, LLC., Lots, Lockett District. $79,200.
• Mortgage Electronic Registration, to The Bank of New York Mellon, Correction. Gift Deed.
• RLP Investments, to Joshua E. Amos, Lots, Hampden District. Gift Deed.
• Nadine C. Plymale, to Scott D. Stovall, TTEE., Correction. $65,273.