‘Continue to trust God’

Published 10:39 am Thursday, August 17, 2017


Our hearts are saddened by the continued hatred toward one another that we see in our country. It hurts even more when it’s close to home.

I believe the church has an open door to reach into the pain and suffering. The Lord Jesus opened the door of reconciliation through His love for us. Love continues to be the great craving need of mankind and can only be fully satisfied through a relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

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Our hearts, our gatherings and our attitudes must be full of Christ’s love. Love continues to open the door for people to receive the gospel. Anything we attempt to do or say without love profits nothing at the end of the day.

Farmville is not exempt from something similar to what we witnessed in Charlottesville. Let’s continue to trust God for His grace to be poured out among us -— grace that reaches into our racial divides and brings divine healing, that delivers us from the bondage of bitterness and resentment and that causes our hearts to surrender completely at the feet of Jesus. I believe we are living in golden days of opportunity.

We have the only answer to the sickness of sin — salvation in Jesus Christ and healing through the redemptive work of Jesus.

May we encourage one another on in the great mission of the church, inviting people to come to Jesus where sins can be forgiven and healing is complete.

Marv Fisher

Pastor, Calvary Chapel
