Woman’s Club attends district meeting
Published 9:37 am Thursday, March 30, 2017
Members of the Woman’s Club Buckingham County GFWC attended the Alice Kyle Spring District Meeting at Sweet Briar College on March 18. The business meeting was opened by District President Gwen Hamlet. Guests were GFWC Virginia President Fran Edwards and Third Vice President Virginia Junior Director Joy Matkowsky. A brunch was served and members were able to view the arts and crafts exhibit. The schools won one best in show award, 15 blue ribbons, four red and four yellow ribbons for art. For the writing contest, five blue ribbons were awarded. For the club, Sharon Andrews, Marie Flowers, Mary Lohr, Page Moran and Julie Shield, each won a blue and red ribbon for their art and crafts. The club as a whole was very proud to accept awards for arts, conservation, fundraising, home life and public issues and bronze level in the honor society. The meeting ended with a silent auction filled with items which clubs members brought. The meeting was enjoyed by all who attended. Pictured are, from left, Lucy Woodall Harris, AKD parliamentarian; Matkowsky; Edwards; Hamlet, AK District President Mary Lohr, Patsy Miessler, Agnes Cramer and Jackie Fairbarns.