Pipeline is ‘a pipe dream’

Published 12:23 pm Tuesday, March 21, 2017


While I understand your concern for jobs being needed in the Heart of Virginia, I respectfully disagree with your “seeming” support of the pipeline and the jobs which “might” be created by the access to the gas (“The future of jobs,” March 10).

I won’t bother with arguments about global warming and methane. I will repeat what I said at the board of supervisors’ meeting where they apparently had already determined their decision. Buckingham County does not have the infrastructure to draw in a major manufacturer which would require large amounts of natural gas.

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It’s a pipe dream for and a sop thrown to the citizens (and the wrong-headed supervisors, one of whom is a friend, one of whom I despise) in order to allow a private corporation, not a regulated utility, to usurp a weak legal system and misuse eminent domain laws for profit to their owners and shareholders.

As to the Dollar General store location, sometimes local landowners’ and drivers’ concerns should take precedence over a developer’s profits and a few jobs and some tax revenue.

The Heart of Virginia is a rural area, jobs will be scarce and property rights of landowners and traffic concerns of neighbors need to be respected, sir.

Peter Bruns
