Explaining editorials
Published 12:34 pm Thursday, March 23, 2017
The most frequent question we get regarding this page, of which I have a passion for gathering content, editing and putting together, is who writes the editorials of this publication and whose opinions they are.
The answer to whose thoughts are in the space above this column is easy. They’re ours. When I say ours, I’m referring to The Herald as an institution and publication.
The thoughts, suggestions, criticisms, compliments and opinions in the editorials we publish are none other than ours. People who don’t work for this newspaper don’t write them, we do.
Our news staff sits down, tosses around ideas and decides what we think on an issue or topic of importance to the community. It’s as simple as that.
Editorials are also unsigned for that reason. It’s very common to see editorials without a signature or name at the end in newspapers, which signifies they’re the opinions of the publication, not of an individual or group.
One aspect we keep in mind when deliberating and deciding what this publication’s stance is on a topic is how it affects the people who live here. The motto of this publication is, “Honor for the past, help for the present, hope for the future,” and it’s one we take very, very seriously when discussing the ramifications of the opinions we put on this page.
It’s important for readers, along with those who live, work and play here, to also understand that our opinion may not be shared by everyone. There are going to be stances we take that will energize and inspire people and ones that will cause disagreement. And if you disagree with our opinion, I hope you’ll let us know by writing us letters to the editor, by emailing or writing me, commenting using Disqus on our website, commenting on our social media sites or giving me a call.
It’s vital we hear from you as to your opinions, thoughts and ideas for our community, and this page is a marketplace for that.
Opinions are wonderful. While The Herald offers its through editorials, let’s hear yours, too.
JORDAN MILES is the managing editor of The Farmville Herald and Farmville Newsmedia LLC. His email address is Jordan.Miles@FarmvilleHerald.com.