Schools set to make up snow days
Published 3:16 pm Thursday, January 19, 2017
While students may enjoy being out of school for inclement weather, it causes more logistical issues than just figuring out where parents can find a babysitter at the last minute.
School leaders also need to determine how to make up for lost time.
Public schools in Prince Edward and Cumberland have missed three instructional days so far this school year — Jan. 9, 10 and 11 — and both divisions are making up for them in different ways.
According to Cumberland County Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Amy Griffin, the division is using Feb. 20 and April 17 as inclement weather make-up days. In addition, May 18, formerly the last day of school, will be a full school day and May 19 will be an early dismissal day to make up for lost instructional time.
Prince Edward County Public Schools will use Feb. 20 (President’s Day), March 10 and April 28 as make-up days, according to Division Superintendent Dr. Barbara Johnson.
Cindy Wahrman, director of finance for Prince Edward County Public Schools, said schools are required to make up the first five missed days of school.
“When you get past that, you make up one for every two days missed,” Wahrman said.
Divisions have a 990 instructional hour requirement for their school years. If divisions exceed 10 missed days and can meet that 990 instructional hour requirement, schools aren’t required to continue making days up, Wharman said. Some school districts extend their school day to make up for lost instructional hours.
“If (schools) get beyond that, they will send a request to the Department of Education describing the reason for missed days, and it would be up (the department) to decide the right course of action,” Wahrman said.
While there are other days on the calendar ready to be used to make up for inclement weather days, school staff hope the weather will hold off for the remainder of the school year.