Church and Community Events calendar

Published 7:25 am Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Church and Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. Monday for that Friday’s calendar. Events should be emailed to


WOMEN’S OUTREACH BREAKFAST 9 a.m., at the New Hope Baptist Church, 2072 Abilene Road, Keysville. Gentlemen are also invited to come out and fellowship during their first event.

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WINTER WONDERS, 6 p.m. at Twin Lakes State Park for an encore of our beautiful winter night hike. Attendees will take a leisurely stroll through their empty campground to discover some of the various trees that can be found in the area. Please dress appropriately for the weather, as the event will be outdoors. The program will be meeting at the entrance to the campground, across from the Main Park Office. Overflow parking for the event is available in front of the swimming area and by the playground. Parking fees are waived for this event.


HEART OF VA AUTO CLUB MEETING, 6 p.m. the second Monday of each month at Merk’s Restaurant in Farmville.


GRIEF SUPPORT FARMVILLE, will resume Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at Farmville United Methodist Church (212 High St.). This group offers a space for those who are grieving to share their experience and explore ways for coping and healing. Contact facilitator Amanda Hayes-Bowman, bereavement coordinator at New Century Hospice, for more information at (434) 395-1042 or


POLAR PLUNGE LUNCH, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Bojangle’s of Farmville, 1501 S. Main St. Hosted by Unit Director Carlos Holland to help raise money for Special Olympics Area 12, which includes Buckingham, Cumberland and Prince Edward counties. Johann Greer of Area 12, a few Special Olympics Athletes and Team Barnhill Capt. Bob “Sunshine” Barnhill will be there to meet and greet.

YOUTH BOOK SWAP, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Farmville-Prince Edward branch library. Start fresh in the new year by bringing in gently used books from home and trade them in for “new to you” books. Board books, picture books, chapter books and any other book intended for children or teens are welcome.


BEEKEEPING WORKSHOP, 7 p.m. at the Buckingham Extension Office, 54 Adminstration Lane, Buckingham Court House. Cost will be $25, which includes all instructional and take home materials. RSVP by Jan. 6 to Buckingham Extension at (434) 969-4261.


EVENING STORY TIME, 7 p.m. at the Farmville-Prince Edward branch library for all ages. Pajamas are encouraged but not required for this quiet story time where children can unwind before bed with books, rhymes and activities.


YOUTH BOOK SWAP, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Buckingham branch library. Start fresh in the new year by bringing in gently used books from home and trade them in for “new to you” books. Board books, picture books, chapter books and any other book intended for children or teens are welcome.