Lions, Longwood team up again

Published 10:02 am Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Farmville Lions and Longwood University’s Speech, Hearing and Learning Services (SHLS) presented their hearing conservation program to fourth-grade students at Prince Edward County Elementary School (PECES) on Nov. 30. This marked the seventh year the Lions/Longwood partnership gave the presentation. More than 140 students received the training and Lions gave each student two hearing pamphlets and a set of earplugs.

The presentation teaches the students about parts of the ear, facts about sound, how sound travels, what sounds are too loud, what sounds are safe and how to protect their hearing. According to Lions members participating in the presentation, all the fourth-grade students were well mannered, attentive and responsive during the presentation.

The Farmville Lions Club Hearing Committee sent out thanks for the professional and collegial support received from Dr. Lissa Power-deFur, professor, Communications Sciences and Disorders and SHLS director; Dr. Mani Aguilar, SHLS’ clinical audiologist; Gloria Eiban, speech/language Pathologist; Kayla Stramat, graduate clinician; and Longwood undergraduate communication sciences and disorders majors Kristin Knowsley, Laura Mixon and Rachel Pegelow.

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The Lions also thanked PECES fourth-grade teachers Danielle Boxley-Welton, David Durren, Carlina Fane, Belinda Gee, Mark Gubash, Cathy Noraas, Tiffany Spencer and John Sperry for their hard work in preparing, scheduling and directing this valuable training to save young people’s hearing.

For further information, contact Farmville Lions Club Hearing Chairperson Tom McBride at (434) 223-7382 or