Friends and family enjoy life in Tuggle
Published 10:31 am Thursday, October 6, 2016
The Prospect Volunteer Fire Department thanks all those who came out on Saturday, Oct. 1 in support of their 56th Annual Harvest Sale. Your support is greatly appreciated.
A pizza party was held at the home of Dolly Worthy on Sunday afternoon for the Eastern Star and friends. Those attending were Dolly Worthy, Carolyn Dove, Alice Throckmorton, Richard and Margaret Stockton, Judith Reynolds, Betty and Don Meadows, Anita French, Frances Moore, Jean Alford, Shirley and George Moore, Don and Judy Derflinger, Mike Montgomery and two visitors.
Mrs. Frances Anderson treated her dear friend, Mrs. Flora Bolt with lunch on Thursday Sept. 22 at Merk’s in celebration of Flora’s birthday which was Sept. 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith spent last Thursday through Sunday at Virginia Beach. Shopping, eating delicious meals, relaxing on the beach and dolphin sightings all contributed to a refreshing weekend away.
On Monday, Mrs. Dianna Smith stopped by to visit with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Pat Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meadows spent Monday In Lynchburg. While there, they visited with Mrs. Pat Goff.
Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meadows and son, Don, had lunch at LaParota Grill.
It has been great to have Richie LeSueur back as pianist at Appomattox PE Presbyterian Church at Tuggle. During his absence they had substitutes, along with Billy Mottley’s computer technology.
Mrs. Rosie Lapp stopped by to visit Mrs. Pat Smith last Wednesday.
Mrs. Dianna Smith spent Saturday with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Pat Smith.
Mrs. Flora Bolt enjoyed having lunch on Sunday, Oct. 2, with Judy Bolt and Chris Bolt. Also joining them were Jennifer Page Bolt and Alexa Moser.
Margaret Stockton is the Tuggle News columnist. Her email address is