Fears ignore the facts

Published 11:59 am Thursday, September 15, 2016


In a recent guest column, “Compressor station will impact everyone” (July 27), I was disappointed to see a member of the local Friends of Buckingham group partake in misleading propaganda in a manner many pipeline opponents criticize Dominion of participating in. As someone who previously lived next to a compressor station similar to the one proposed for Buckingham County, I can testify many of the fears being pushed by pipeline opponents ignore the facts.

In regards to methane, Dominion helped found the EPA’s natural gas STAR Methane Challenge program, part of the president’s Climate Action Plan. As a result, Dominion has shown a commitment to update existing pipeline infrastructure as well as ensuring future construction meets rigorous emissions standards. In fact, during the past 30 years, pipeline leaks have decreased by more than 90 percent.

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Dominion also acknowledges the majority of methane leaks from pipelines and compressor stations occur during maintenance, not normal operations. As such, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is being designed with best-in-class technology to ensure the least impact possible by reducing the amount of maintenance required of older technologies.

As someone who has lived with a compressor station in my own back yard, I can testify I never had any issues with air quality or my personal physical or mental health. Buckingham County and the surrounding area would benefit positively from this project, and I hope to see reason and accurate facts win out over scaremongering in the coming months.

Stephen Martin
