Livestock Club attends show, wins awards
Published 5:08 am Thursday, June 23, 2016
On Saturday, May 28, the Buckingham County 4-H Livestock Club attended the Piedmont Area Jr. Livestock Show.
The club has six members: Charlotte Espinoza, Christopher Espinoza, Grace Moss, Noah Tubbs, Jeff Wise and Tanner Wise.
The club is led by adult volunteers, Kelly Snoddy and David Wise and agents Jennifer Ligon and Ruth Wallace.
The Piedmont Area Jr. Livestock Show is held every year in May at the Blackstone Livestock Market. It allows 4-H and FFA youth (ages 9-19) to exhibit in competition, beef, swine, goat and sheep projects.
Three of the members showed market lambs; three of the members showed market hogs, in addition to their lambs; three of the members showed heifers; one of the members showed a feeder steer; and one of the members showed a market goat.
There are two categories that are judged: showmanship and market.
In showmanship, the youth are judged on their appearance and conduct in the show ring.
In market, the animals are judged on their conformation. Youth are divided into groups based on their age/experience: senior, intermediate, junior and novice. Animals are separated into various weight classes.
The club’s performance was outstanding. All members placed throughout their various weight classes.
Charlotte Espinoza placed as the Reserve Champion Novice Lamb Showmanship. Christopher Espinoza was awarded the Reserve Champion Ewe Lamb, the Grand Champion Hog Pair and the Reserve Grand Champion Hog Pair, and he was also awarded a silver tray as the 2016 Market Hog Sweepstakes Winner, sponsored by the Virginia Pork Industry Association.
Grace Moss placed first in the Registered Senior Heifer class of calves born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31.
Noah Tubbs received the Reserve Champion Novice Beef Showmanship.
Jeff Wise placed first in the Registered Heifer Senior Yearling class of calves born Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 2014.
Tanner Wise received the Reserve Champion Intermediate Lamb Showmanship award, the Grand Champion Lamb Pair, the Grand Champion Ewe Lamb and the Reserve Champion Intermediate Goat Showmanship award.
During the months leading up to the Show, the Livestock Club members strive to raise animals that develop into a well-balanced market animal and work with them in proper show ring behavior.
The show provides an opportunity for youth to learn responsibility, awareness of the importance of the agricultural industry in the area, healthy competition and cooperation with their peers.
The Piedmont Area Jr. Livestock Show is a volunteer organization composed of extension agents and community and business volunteers. There are certain expenses required to run the show, including ribbons, trophies, premiums for show classes, insurance, show judge and exhibitor picnic expense.
The entry fees submitted by each member for their show animals cover these costs. The Buckingham 4-H Livestock Club was sponsored by many businesses and entities. New club members are always welcome to join. Contact the Buckingham Extension Office at (434) 969-4261.
The club is taking a summer break now, but will begin again in the fall.
Youth must be 9 years of age to show an animal, but may join the club earlier to participate in the educational activities. This program, like all 4-H programs, is open to all youth on a non-discriminatory basis.