Fuqua announces valedictorian
Published 1:44 pm Thursday, May 12, 2016
Fuqua School has announced the Class of 2016 valedictorian, salutatorian and giftorian.
The valedictorian is David John Hice, son of Arm Col. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hice of Farmville.
He will be a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point this fall. He graduates summa cum laude and is a member of the Cum Laude Society, an international organization that recognizes academic excellence by inducting the top 20 percent of the senior class.
Hice is a member of the math, history, science and Spanish honor societies. He earned the Silver Service award given to students who have performed more than 100 hours of service in the community and the Friends of Fuqua Award recognizing students who have performed more than 15 hours of service to the school.
Hice is the recipient of the Taylor Social Studies Award. His activities include class president, SCA (vice president), Readers Club (vice president), Battle of the Brains (captain), Youth in Government (participating in Model General Assembly), Model UN (co-president), Varsity Cross Country (captain), Varsity Soccer and Youth for Christ.
Hice’s hobbies are running, reading, and going out with his girlfriend. “Fuqua has given me the opportunity to stand out on an individual level and through my relationships with my friends, teachers, and faculty I have been able to focus and push myself farther than I ever could have imagined,” Hice said. “My dream job is to serve as an Infantry platoon leader in the United States Army.”
Fuqua School’s salutatorian is Clayton Stone Tucker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Tucker of Drakes Branch, and he will attend Hampden-Sydney College.
He graduates summa cum laude and is a member of the Cum Laude Society. Stone is a member of the math, English, history, science, music and Spanish honor societies.
He earned the Silver Service and Friends of Fuqua Awards. Tucker enjoys many activities at school including Readers Club, Youth in Government (participating as a Senator in Model General Assembly), Youth for Christ, drum major of the Senior Band, varsity cross country and varsity soccer. His hobbies include fishing, hanging out with friends and reading.
“Fuqua School has prepared me for college in many ways,” Tucker said. “The great quality of education that I have received will be something I will use throughout my life. I plan to attend Hampden-Sydney College and major in pre-law, go to law school and practice criminal law.”
Thomas Frederick Watson is giftorian and will attend the University of Virginia in the fall.
Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brad Watson, of Rice, graduates summa cum laude and is a member of the Cum Laude Society.
Watson is a member of the math, English, history, science, music and Spanish honor societies.
Watson is very involved in school activities.
His hobbies are playing the trumpet, swimming and fishing with friends.
“Fuqua School has taught me that it does not matter where you come from; if you set your mind towards a goal and work to achieve that goal, then anything is possible,” Watson said.