Farmville proposes tourism zone

Published 2:39 pm Tuesday, December 8, 2015

FARMVILLE — On Wednesday evening the Farmville Town Council will discuss adopting a proposed ordinance to establish a tourism zone for the town.

According to council documents, the tourism zone could provide incentives to local businesses and attract visitors.

The draft ordinance states that “the boundaries of Farmville’s Tourism Zone will include all areas within the town’s enterprise zone in addition to all town-owned property at the Farmville Regional Airport and Farmville Municipal Golf Course, both located in Cumberland County.”

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Incentives for qualifying businesses could include a five-year real estate tax reinvestment credit on 100 percent of value for renovation work and a waiver of 25 percent or $1,000 for water and sewer availability and tap fees, according to the draft ordinance,

The town council will meet on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the town hall to consider the ordinance.