Published 5:39 pm Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Two (2) acres – Route #687

Cumberland County

In execution of a deed of trust dated December 29, 1999, recorded in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court, Cumberland County, Virginia, in Deed Book 239, page 188, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction, the property described in said deed of trust, with all improvements thereon, containing two (2) acres, more or less, per plat in Deed Book 238, page 806 (said Clerk’s Office) situated on the west line of State Route #687 (Sherwood Road) about 1.5 miles southeast of Route #616 and south of Cartersville, Hamilton District, Cumberland County, Virginia (Tax ID#031-1-1-B; address n/f 256 Sherwood Road, Cartersville, VA 23027).

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Sale to be held at the front door of the building which houses the Circuit Court of Cumberland County, Cumberland, Virginia on September 22, 2015, at 11:30 a.m.

Sale subject to all restrictions, easements, agreements and all conditions or matters of record.


TERMS:  Cash – Settlement in full within 15 days of sale date.  Additional terms may be announced at time of sale.

Deposit of $5,000.00 shall be required in CASH, CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED CHECK at time and place of sale.

Robert E. Kane, Jr.


For Information Contact:

Robert E. Kane, Jr., Trustee

KaneJeffries, LLP

1700 Bayberry Court,

Suite 103

Henrico, VA  23226

(804) 288-1672
