Redbud Garden Club enjoys flower-arranging program
Published 9:38 am Thursday, August 27, 2015
The Redbud Garden Club met at the home of April McBride on July 26 with Patsy Miessler as co-hostess. Refreshments were served before the meeting.
Guests present included Carol Alderman, Velda Agee, Doris Claybrook and Chelsea Giles.
It was reported that the raised flowerbeds at High Bridge Trail were cleaned up as well as the flowers at the John Randolph Fire House.
Helpful hints for the month included: Plants should be watered if the soil is not moist to touch at 3 to 4 inches deep; divide iris and deadhead rhododendron blooms for better blooms next year; avoid fertilizing lawns during hot weather; keep weeds pulled; change bird bath water regularly to avoid mosquitoes; apply Roundup Sept. 1 and reapply Sept. 15 — pick a hot day.
Speaker Carol Alderman showed members how to arrange flowers. She has been a member of several garden clubs including Keysville, Ruth Adams and Blackstone garden clubs. Carol has made flower arrangements for over 40 years and has judged for 31 years. She is also known as “Master Flower Show Judge.” She showed members how to make three different types of flower arrangements: a triangle arrangement, a crescent and vertical arrangement. Carol used carnations, juniper, bitter orange balls, snow tip ageratum and baker’s ferns for the triangle arrangement. The second arrangement was vertical. The third arrangement was an inverted crescent on a white pedestal. Carol made her own pedestal from a spindle used for staircases.
Everyone enjoyed her talk and display of arrangements.
Flower arrangements members brought were “Fanned Out,” an arrangement using greens in the shape of a fan. Blue ribbons went to Patty Brunette, Liz Dunn, Rebecca Giles, Janet Higgins, Ann Ligon, Sarah Schember, and Jo Smith. “Thyme for flowers” was a mass arrangement incorporating herbs. Blues went to Janet Higgins, Ann Ligon, Kate Shorter and Joyce Thompson. Red ribbons went to Patty Brunette, and Anna Garrett had an entry. Specimens – Rebecca Giles one blue, one red, one yellow; Janet Higgins – three red, two yellow; Ann Ligon – two blue, one red; Audrey Robinson –two yellow.