Club Enjoys Program On Amaryllis
Published 5:00 pm Tuesday, August 12, 2014
The monthly meeting of the Cumberland Garden Club was held at the Cumberland Public Library on July 29.
Master Gardener Liz Dunn presented a program on “Amaryllis” with the Latin name of Hippeastrum. Her slide show covered various species and colors of that beautiful plant. She discussed how to select healthy bulbs and bring them to flowering, including watering directions and how to over winter the plant and prepare plants for flowering the next spring. Handouts about how to get Amaryllis to rebloom were distributed to members.
Following the program and a short business meeting members honored long time member Marge Pearsall with a lifetime membership in the Cumberland Garden Club.
Members present were President Barbara Daniels, Janet Powers, Pat Adams, Nell Spain, Georgeen Carden, Carol Allen, Hilda Nuckols, Nancy Coxon, Carolyn Foran, Clarie Landis, Marge Pearsall and Carol Miller.