Sell The Golf Course

Published 2:41 pm Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Editor, The Herald:

Paralysis of analysis.

Farmville appears to be having a budget crisis. Farmville has over $49,000,000 in assets and can’t pay $60,000 to fix their swimming pool. It’s obvious that these asset values are overstated, but some could be sold to pay off long-term debt.

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We are so lucky to have Longwood University. They are our security for long-term economic stability. Farmville should outsource their economic development strategy to the university and give them a seat on Town Council.

When our Town leaders increase sewer rates, implement sanitation fees and residential parking fees they are hurting our fixed-income citizens and impeding the university’s ability to grow at a faster pace. The Town needs to sell Longwood University the roads they requested and take down the parking meters to present a friendly image to our largest customer, their visitors and tourists.

The airport does not need $2,000,000 worth of protection. Sell the golf course.

Randal Phillips
