Published 2:49 pm Thursday, May 2, 2013
May 2 – “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.”-Thomas Jefferson.”
Saturday, May 4, is the Heart of Virginia Festival, hope to see you there.
The Prospect Historical Society will meet on Tuesday May 7, at 7:30 p.m., all are welcomed to come.
Peggy Kelsey spent last Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kelsey and Bryson Philander Kelsey of Chesterfield. Bryson had to show his great-grandmother his new play gym near the outdoor patio.
Jane Bower was delighted to have had a visit April 27 from the Special Blessings Mission Group of Glenn Memorial Baptist Church at Prospect
On April 17 during Sean Stockton's visit with his grandparents, Richard and Margaret Stockton, Sean made his mother, Mary Jo a birthday cake as it was her birthday. She was truly surprised and delighted with the cake.
Mrs. Sue Amos on Saturday visited Vickie Johns in Amelia where they first attended a Wreath Making Workshop then traveled to Richmond for some shopping.
Mrs. Flora Bolt visited Grace Taylor, Page Johnson, Dot Shumaker and Ruth Southall at the Woodlands on Sunday afternoon.
Garland Woodson enjoyed lunch at Merk's Place on Thursday with his sister Mrs. Flora Bolt.
Mrs. Judy Mottley, Mrs. Shirley Fulcher and Mrs. Nancy Mottley attended the Bridal Shower for Holly Wallace, granddaughter of Judy Mottley, at the Piedmont Church of Christ of Farmville.
Family, friends and neighbors wish a speedy recovery for those who are sick at this time Rev. John Baldwin, Charles Smith, Gloria Mae Fulcher Rosser and Bill Kerns.
Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church at Tuggle invites everyone to Sunday School at 10 a.m. with worship at 11a.m. The Rev. Chuck Klotzberger will be in the pulpit this Sunday..
The membership of Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church at Prospect invites you to come and worship with them every Sunday; Sunday School is at 10 a.m. with worship at 11 a.m. The Rev. Katherine Todd will bring the message on Sunday.
Calvary Chapel-Farmville invites you to worship with them on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. They invite you to join them each week on Wednesday evening for Bible
Study for all age groups at 7 p,m. The Church is located at 300 Industrial Park Blvd., in the former Stackpole-Carbone building.
Happy Birthday is wished to all those celebrating a birthday during the month of May. Your flower is the Lily of the Valley and your birthstone if the Emerald. Those I know celebrating are: Whitney Perkins (3), Justin Chilton (4), Celena Kelsey (5), Christine Hendricks (6), Johnny Mottley (6), Marie Hoge-Perkins (7), Kim S. Shumaker (7), Johnny Campbell (7), Thomas Card (8), Julian Covington (9), Lula Lewis (9), Riley Bowman (12), Dolly Worthy (14), Sally Mottley (14), Ricky Fulcher (14), Brady Fulcher (15), Michelle Walker of Greenville Tennessee (20), Don Derflinger, Sr (20); Haley Murdock (20); Blondell Bowman (23); Millie Bonner (30); Mae Fulcher (30); Payden Murdock (30); and Andy Bonner (31).
Happy Anniversary is wished to all those celebrating: William and Edna Woodson (14); Ken and Bettye Brisentine (19); and Jeff and Pat Smith (26).
If you would like to contribute something to the News, call 392-6431 or email to mom@moonstar.com.