Buckingham News

Published 4:22 pm Thursday, April 18, 2013

BUCKINGHAM – Sharon Baptist Church is hosting a Yard and Bake Sale on Saturday, April 20, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the church.

This fundraiser, which benefits the church's Fellowship Hall Fund, will be held rain or shine.

Organizers say that there is something for everyone at this sale. Along with all of the great bargains on all kinds of STUFF, there will be delicious baked goods and also a raffle featuring the book The Jefferson Brothers by Joanne Yeck, a Wal-Mart gift certificate, and a handmade afghan.

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The drawing for the raffle will be held after the sale and you need not be present to win. Tickets for the raffle are available from any member of the church.

Sharon Baptist Church is located halfway between Dillwyn and Scottsville, off Route 20 on Route 622 at 1627 Sharon Church Road.

Hispanic Community Day

The James River Baptist Association is hosting Hispanic Community Day on Saturday, April 20, from 2 to 5 p.m., at Arvon Baptist Church.

Festivities include soccer, corn hole, children's game, carriage rides, music, food and a message.

EVERYONE is invited to attend and be blessed by the activities and the fellowship.

Arvon Baptist Church is located on Route 15.

Music and More

On Saturday, April 20, at 5 p.m., Wayne and Linda Gough, of Crewe, will be performing in concert at Salem United Methodist Church.

After the great music, there will be a baked potato bar and chili supper. A Free Will offering will be gratefully accepted to cover expenses.

Pastor Billy Swan and the Salem UMC family invite you to join with them for this very special evening. Salem UMC is located on Route 632, Ca Ira Road.

Kabin Kritters at Hatcher Baptist Church

On Sunday, April 21, at 6 p.m., those fun-loving but spirit-filled puppets, the Kabin Kritters, will be performing at Hatcher Baptist Church.

One of the stipulations set forth in their contract was that refreshments be served following the performance-and the Kritters prevailed.

However, the Kritters aren't the only ones involved in this program. There will be music by the Knob Hill Quartet, Mr. Quimper and others; special music by the children, and two skits, Henry and Doris Go to the Mission Convention and Adam Names the Animals.

Everyone is invited to a great evening for kids of all ages. Hatcher Baptist Church is located near the intersection of Route 622, Trents Mill Road, and Route 617, Gravel Hill Road, at the Buckingham and Cumberland line.

Pastor Appreciation

Sunday, April 21 will be a special day at Mourners Valley Baptist Church.

Following the 11:30 a.m. morning worship, led by the church's pastor, the Reverend Charles E. Simms, a dinner will be served at approximately 1:30 p.m.

Then, at 3 p.m., Mourners Valley Baptist Church will host an Appreciation Service for Pastor and Lady Simms.

The Reverend Archie German, interim pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Petersburg, will be the guest preacher and the church's choir and ushers will serve.

Everyone is invited to Mourners Valley for morning worship, sharing a meal together, and then honoring Pastor and Lady Simms.

Mourners Valley Baptist Church is located on Route 20 at South Constitution Route.

Setting up A LLC

On Tuesday, April 23, the Buckingham Office of the Virginia Cooperative Extension is hosting a free seminar on Setting up a LLC (Limited Liability Company): Considerations for Farm and Small Business Owners.

The seminar will be held in Agricultural Center next to the County Administration Complex on Route 60.

Featured speakers include James P. Seidl, Estate and Tax Planning Attorney, and David Wise, Agribusiness and Farm Insurance Specialist.

Two sessions will be available. The first session is from 3 to 5 p.m. and the second from 7 to 9 p.m.

Register by calling the B'ham Extension Office at (434)969-4261.

Earth Day Celebration

Ellis Acres Memorial Park is again hosting an Earth Day Celebration at the park. On Wednesday, April 24, from 12 noon to 5 p.m., individuals and organizations are invited to celebrate the creations of Mother Nature and help beautify the Earth at Ellis Acres.

According to Wil Dean, the tasks for the day include enhancing the walking/jogging trail; cleaning-up the wooded areas; and mulching the planted areas.

Ellis Acres Memorial Park is located on the site of the Buckingham Training School at 245 Camden Street in Dillwyn. Everyone is invited!

Clean Yard Contest

This year, the Town of Dillwyn is taking a different approach to its annual Clean Yard Contest, which will focus on residential properties in the Town.

Rather than having residents submit information about their efforts, the Clean Yard Committee, made up of members of town council, will be on the lookout for this year's winners.

If you are a town resident, all you need to do is spruce up that yard and wave at those council members when they walk or ride by.

The committee will be looking to see if bushes are trimmed, whether the yard is free of debris, and the general overall appearance of the property.

Four winning properties will be selected and awarded cash prizes of $25 each. There will also be certificates of appreciation awarded to yards deserving honorable mention.

Dillwyn residents will be receiving more details on this year's Clean Yard Campaign in their spring edition of the town's quarterly newsletter.

CVCS Golf Tournament

The eighth annual Central Virginia Christian School Golf Tournament is set for May 11 at the Farmville Municipal Golf Course.

This is a Captain's Choice Tournament. Lunch and refreshments will be provided and cash prizes awarded to the top three teams. Sign up by calling CVCS at 983-4810. The cost per team is $220.

Proceeds from this CVCS fundraiser benefit the school's scholarship fund, which assists families who are struggling financially.

Karate Aerobics

Buckingham County Recreation Department has arranged for a Karate Aerobics Class beginning on April 24. The six-week class will be held on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., through June 5. However, there will not be a class on May 15.

This aerobics class will be using karate moves for its exercises thus offering a fun and energetic way to burn calories while improving muscle tone, coordination, balance, and flexibility. The class is open to ages 14 and up.

Cost is $25. All registration forms and fees must be paid no later than April 24, the first night of class.

For registration forms and/or more information, call the Buckingham County Administration Complex at (434)969-4242.

James River Baptist WMU

The annual Spring Meeting for the James River Baptist Associational WMU will be Sunday, April 28 at 3 p.m., at Goshen Baptist Church in Howardsville.

Music by the Praise Team from Buckingham Baptist Church will begin about 2:45.

Children in Action, from Mt. Zion Baptist Church, will present a short skit based on the game show, To Tell the Truth.

Betty Lou Jackson, Vice President and Secretary of the WMUV will be the featured speaker.

With the theme And the Story Lives On, the meeting offers an opportunity to learn about the Ladies Who Are Our Heritage.

Special music will be performed by Kristye Moxley, from First Baptist Church of Dillwyn.

“Come and join us for a spirit-filled afternoon,” invited a JRBA WMU spokesperson.

Goshen Baptist Church is located at 2381 Axtell Road, Howardsville, VA 24562.

Fishing Camp

Here's a great opportunity for area youth ages nine through 13 who want to learn everything they need to know about FISHING. Yep, the Holiday Lake 4-H Center is hosting the 2013 Fishing Camp on April 26-28. Cost is $80.

For more information, call the Buckingham Extension Office at (434) 969-4261.

Junior 4-H Summer Camp

There are only a few more spaces left for this year's 4-H Summer Camp at Holiday Lake 4-H Center, June 24 through June 28.

This camp is open to youth ages nine through 13. The cost is $205 and includes meals, lodging, transportation from the Buckingham Extension Office, T-shirt, and all class fees.

This year's theme is Super Heroes. For more information or registration, call the Extension Office at 969-4261.

Bluegrass & BBQ

On Saturday, April 27, from 6 to 9 p.m., the Buckingham 4-H Livestock Club is sponsoring a fundraiser that offers an evening of Bluegrass and BBQ at the Buckingham Extension Office, located in the Agricultural Center next to the County Administration Complex on Route 60.

Cost for the meals is $8. However, those eight and under can eat for $5. Meals include BBQ, sides, beverage, and dessert.

Dixie Hill Grass will be performing. So gather up the family and friends and enjoy a delicious meal and some great music while supporting the 4-H Livestock Club. Yep, this one is definitely a WIN-WIN for everybody.