The Main (Street) Event
Published 3:39 pm Thursday, February 2, 2012
Last week's official kick-off of the Virginia Main Street program in Farmville, and unveiling of the dynamic street signage declaring Farmville's membership, is a huge milestone.
The kick-off was a knock-out.
The statewide downtown revitalization program will be a vital partner and key element in the ultimate success of this community's Main Street ambitions.
Full credit goes to Downtown Farmville. To list names would be to leave somebody out, but let's accept that risk because Jimmy Johnson, Chuck Ross and Caryn Kayton deserve public commendation, along with all the many who have joined them on the journey down Main Street into the future of downtown Farmville.
On the elected and appointed officials side of the ledger, well done to the Town of Farmville and Town Council for stepping up to make the application for membership in the Virginia Main Street program-a club of only 25 Virginia localities. Town officials are fully committed to the downtown revitalization campaign, as the Town's streetscaping, Farmers Market and other improvement projects demonstrate.
But Main Street has further to go. The journey is not complete, a fact that Downtown Farmville knows better than anyone. And total commitment continues to be the call of the day.
Based on the evidence these volunteers have shown so far, total conviction seems the only verdict.
No better judgment could be wished.
Well done.
And more good doing in the days, weeks and years ahead.