Published 4:58 pm Thursday, September 22, 2011
Notice is hereby given that Henrico County is requesting authorization to modify a previously issued permit to abandon plans to install an infiltration gallery in favor constructing two (2) traditional intake structures which will withdraw 150 mgd. Each of the two 195-foot structures will be composed of a 145-foot long by 30 foot wide concrete sluicing channel with 10 cylindrical intake screens. Surrounding the two intakes will be a concrete debris deflector. Included in the plan will be concrete access steps, shoreline riprap stabilization and water transmission lines. Each of the two intakes and debris deflector are designed to be below the normal water surface and will extend approximately 80 feet channelward of ordinary high water. The instream construction will be conducted within a temporary cofferdam which will be removed upon completion of the construction. The structures will be located approximately 100 feet downstream of the confluence of Cobbs Creek and the James River, and approximately 2 two miles upstream of the VDOT Route 690 crossing of the James River in Columbia.
Send comments/inquiries within 15 days to: Marine Resources Commission, Habitat Management Division, 2600 Washington Ave., Third Floor, Newport News, Virginia 23607.