Arts Calendar
Published 4:34 pm Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Atkinson Museum of Hampden-Sydney:
(March 24-April 22) “Photographic Works,” by Margarita Montealegre and Dave Woody;
Central Virginia Arts:
(through March) Margaret Banko and Jennifer Overstreet; Riverside Cafe, Farmville;
GOVERNMENT & FOREIGN AFFAIRS LECTURE – 11:30 a.m. “They Would Never Hurt a Fly: Why Do We Need Monsters,” by Slavenka Dra-kulic; Gilmer Hall, Rm. 019; H-SC.
PHI BETA KAPPA LECTURE – 4 p.m. “The Ro-man Soldier,” by Professor Ronald Meller; Bortz Libarary, fourth floor; H-SC.
WILSON CENTER SPRING CONFERENCE – 7:30 p.m. “Liberal Arts in the 21st Century: Challenges & Opportunities,” by Dr. Christopher Howard, The Honorable Paul Trible; Lt. Gen. Josiah Bunting III; Crawley Forum; H-SC.
LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY'S TEN-MINUTE PLAY FESTIVAL: 0-60 – 7 p.m., Lab Theatre, Center for Communication Studies and Theatre (Frank-lin & Race streets), ticket information: 395-2474.
EXHIBIT OPENING – 12:30 p.m. Photographic Works by Margarita Montealegre and Dave Woody; Atkinson Museum; H-Sc.
ARTIST RECEPTION – 4:30 p.m. Photographic Works by Margarita Montealegre and Dave Woody; Atkinson Museum; H-SC.
LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY'S TEN-MINUTE PLAY FESTIVAL: 0-60 – 7 p.m., Lab Theatre, Center for Communication Studies and Theatre (Frank-lin & Race streets), ticket information: 395-2474.
SENIOR RECITAL – 3 p.m. Danielle Minnick, voice, Molnar Recital Hall, Wygal Hall; LU.
SENIOR RECITAL – 7:30 p.m. Dabney Broad-dus, voice, Molnar Recital Hall, Wygal Hall; LU.
SENIOR RECITAL – 4 p.m. Lauren Kusher and Amanda Herrera, Molnar Recital Hall, Wygal Hall; LU.
WOODROW WILSON VISITING FELLOW ADDRESS – 7 p.m. “Bridging Differences through Environmental Action: How Shared Goals for the Planet Can Bring Us Together,” by Chistine Todd Whitman; Parents & Friends Lounge; Venable Hall; H-SC.
FINE ARTS PRESENTATION – 7:30 p.m. Rose Fantzen, portrait painter; Parents & Friends Lounge; Venable Hall; H-SC.
WOMEN & GENDER STUDIES – 3-3:50 p.m. “The 'Breath' of Dah Theatre, Five Women, Per-formance Activism, and the Ending of a War,” Hull 132, Hull Education Center; LU.