4-H Camp Registration Now Underway
Published 4:32 pm Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Prince Edward 4-H and Buckingham 4-H are currently accepting registration for the upcoming Junior 4-H Camp. 4-H Camp an exciting way for youth ages nine to 13 (as of September 30, 2011) to spend a week away from home.
Campers from Buckingham, Charlotte, and Prince Edward Counties spend June 20-24 at Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center learning new skills, making new friends, and catching up with old buddies. 4-H Educational Center learning new skills, making new friends, and catching up with old buddies. 4-H Camp also fosters a sense of independence and promotes other important life skills. The program staff at the 4-H Center teaches a core group of classes and along with trained adult leaders, teen leaders (ages 14-19), and Extension staff, supervise the campers during the week.
While at camp, youth attend four classes of their choosing. Examples include archery, canoeing, cooking, crafts, fishing, nature, rifer, and swimming. Campers stay in cabins of approximately eight to fourteen and are able to request a roommate.
The theme this year is “Shipwrecked!” and certain evening programs and other activities will tie into this theme.
The cost for 4-H Camp is $195, which includes mals, lodging, transportation, t-shirt, and all class fees. Register anytime until camp fills (and camp fills quickly). There are discounts for additional family members the same immediate family: $10 off for the second child; $20 off the third child. Some limited financial assistnce is avialabe.
For a registration brochure, please contact your local office of Virginia Cooperative Extension. In Buckingham, call 969-4251. In Prince Edward, call 392-4246.