Detective Moss Named Officer Of The Year

Published 4:09 pm Tuesday, February 1, 2011

FARMVILLE – Detective C. W. Moss was named the Farmville Police Department's Office of the Year for 2010 during the department's first-ever awards banquet.

Detective Moss was assigned to the Investigations Division in April 2010 and has excelled in this assignment, according to Farmville Police Chief Doug Moony, handling a wide variety of cases, from crimes against persons and property to narcotics investigations.

The police detective is also responsible for the department's community outreach programs and coordinates the department's Neighborhood Watch program and organized Farmville's very first National Night Out event this past August. This event was a huge success and was well received by the public.

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Regarding his approach to citizens interested in establishing a Neighborhood Watch program, Detective Moss has explained to the Herald, “You make it what you want it to be. This is your Neighborhood Watch group. You can make it as large as you want or as small as you want.

“I don't care if it's two people, one person, or if it's 500 people. It doesn't matter,” he said, adding, “I do find that people like a smaller group. I think it's more personal, maybe. It's certainly easier to sit down and talk with a smaller group.”

The meetings are held in homes or churches, wherever suits the group.

Whether that group is large or small.

“If I have one group of 50 or 10 groups of five,” Detective Moss said, “it really doesn't matter to me. I'm still getting out there to the same amount of people and I think that's the goal of it, to reach out to them.”

In addition to coordinating the department's Neighborhood Watch program, at the Heart of Virginia Festival in May the Farmville Police Dept. had an information booth for the very first time. Again, this was a project spearheaded by Detective Moss.

Moss is currently involved with the Leadership Farmville program that is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.

Detective Moss also responded, as part of the Farmville Police Dept.'s Tactical Team, to the tragic murders in Appomattox County last January when eight people died. The Farmville TACT Team helped to surround the suspect in a wooded area and kept him from escaping. 

Farmville Police Chief Doug Mooney describes Detective Moss as an eager and determined investigator and goes the extra mile to follow every lead, regardless of the hour of night, or whatever personal plans he may have to adjust.

He takes pride in his work, the department notes, and is always seeking opportunities to improve his skills as a detective, according to Chief Mooney

Detective Moss takes a proactive approach to his duties, Chief Mooney points out, and is an excellent example of an officer that helps to “provide a safe and secure community through excellence in public service.”

The police detective is also known for his outreach to children, to help them understand that police officers are their friends and can be counted upon.

“When I work the road I have little stickers I keep with me-little Junior Police Officer stickers,” he told the Herald this summer.

“And it will make your day,” he said, of going into a local store and then, “wham, something hits you from the side and it's a little kid hugging your leg. 'Hey, Mr. Policeman.' And he wants a sticker and we'll give him a sticker and you can tell you've got a friend there.”

Of the outreach programs, Detective Moss is keen for the community, young and old, to see the real people behind the badges.

“Exactly. We're all humans,” told the Herald while preparing for National Night Out. “At the end of the day we're all the same. We just have a different job.”