Cumberland Sheriff's Office Praised

Published 5:12 pm Thursday, January 6, 2011

Editor, The Herald:

For the past three or more years, deputies and dispatchers from the Cumberland Sheriff's Office have been taking children “Shopping with the Deputies” using money they raised individually or as a group. This year, this group of dedicated men and women chose to take children shopping again. They worked to raise all the money used in the shopping-and added some of their own to what was raised. Eighteen children were chosen and each got to spend quality time with a deputy choosing items for Christmas. About $100 dollars was spent on each child. The deputies and dispatchers spent their own time to raise the money for these children and then took hours from their off duty time to take each one shopping.

This event took a lot of effort and planning, but really brought a lot of joy to the chosen children. Cumberland is blessed to have a Sheriff's Department led by Darrell Hodges who care enough to donate this time to develop relationships with children and their families. Thank you so much.

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Alice Metts

Cumberland Christmas Mother