Published 4:30 pm Thursday, September 16, 2010
In the Circuit Court of Cumberland County: September 13, 2010.
Gloria Jean Jackson, et al
Sherlyn Simon, et als
Case No. CL10000082-00
The object of this suit is to effect partition amongst the owners by division in kind or otherwise of the real property in Madison District, County of Cumberland, Virginia, known as the residue of 39.5 acres formerly in the names of John D. and Lucy Trent, designated as County Map Parcel No. 100-A-14, 16, 17 of which they died seized and possessed.
And affidavit having been made and filed that the Defendants Sherlyn Simon, Richard Wilson, Blanche Wilson, Robert E. Trent, Sarah Trent Coleman and Corothea Trent are not residents of the State of Virginia; and the bill stating that there are or may be persons interested in the subject to be divided whose names are unknown and making them parties defendant by the general description of “parties unknown”, and affidavit having been made and filed that they are unknown, such unknown parties being any other heirs, devisees and successors in title of George D. Trent, a deceased son of John D. Trent, Brenda Trent, a deceased daughter of James Trent, a deceased son of John D. Trent, and any other heirs, devisees and successors in title of John D. Trent, who died intestate in 1974.
It is ORDERED that the said non-resident defendants and the persons made defendants by the general description “parties unknown” do appear on or before November 5, 2010 and do what is necessary to protect their interests herein.
James P. Baber p.q.
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 183
Cumberland, VA 23040
(804) 492-4891
(804) 492-9249 FAX
Virginia State Bar #07468