Prince Edward Sheriff's Department Activity Report
Published 7:16 am Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Writ of Possession.
Rescue call on Smith Drive.
Protective Order Service.
Vehicle unlock on Indian Spring Road.
Problem with subject.
Child abuse still under in-vestigation.
Animal control requested at Hampden-Sydney College.
Protective Order Service.
Suspicious incident on Fair-grounds Road.
Rescue call on Rattler's Branch Road.
Loud noise on Poplar Forest Road.
Alarm on Moore's Ordinary Road.
Rescue call on Prince Ed-ward Highway.
Transport to South Hill.
<!– 1upcrlf2 –> Vehicle on fire on Prince Edward Highway.
911 hang-up on Peaks Road.
Livestock on Property on Levi Road.
Road rage.
Burglar alarm on Hixburg Road.
Civil matter.
Disabled vehicle on Bush River Road.
Vehicle unlock on Harris Drive.
Requesting assistance on Second Street.
Accident involving deer on Worsham Road.
Requesting assistance on Scruggs Road.
Warrant service.
Fire on Back Hampden-Sydney Road.
Rescue call on Eagle Drive.
Suspicious incident on Elam Road.
Destroy property on Mit-chell Road.
Tree in road on Allen Farm Road.
Stolen property on Mclen-don Drive.
Warrant service.
Breaking and Entering on Tuggle Road.
Animal control requested on Miller Lake Road.
Assistance needed on South Farmville Road.
Disabled vehicle on Prince Edward Highway.
Threatening phone calls on Farmville Road.
Suspicious subjects on Prince Edward Highway.
Alarm on Sulphur Spring Road.
Suspicous vehicle on Five Forks Road.
Accident on Patrick Henry Highway.
Alarm on Virso Road.
Suspicous vehicle on Five Forks Road.
Breaking and Entering on Leigh Mountain Road.
Livestock on property on Weaver Road.
Rescue call on Pine Crest Drive.
Animal control requested on Hixburg Road.
Livestock in road on Weaver Road.
Alarm on Watson Boule-vard.
Breaking and Entering on Dowdy's Corner.
Rescue call on Milnwood Village Road.
Rescue call on Pond Drive.
Accident on Back Hamdpen-Sydney Road.
Livestock on property on Weaver Road.
Rescue call on Prince Ed-ward Highway.
Problem with subject.
Animal carcass on highway on Patrick Henry Highway.
Verbal threats.
Burglar alarm on Hill Crest Road.
Rescue call on Five Forks Road.
Subject in distress on Rice's Depot Road.
Livestock on property on Weaver Road.
Tree in road on Five Forks Road.
Traffic control on Farmville Road.
Vehicle unlock on Green Bay Road.
Stolen property on Dry Bridge Road.
Suspicous subject on Dar-lington Heights Road.
Rescue call on Farmville Road.
Animal abuse on Dry Bridge Road.
Suspicous subjects on Pin Oak Road.
Loud music on North Hard-times Road.
Welfare check on Taylor Drive.
Burglar alarm on Holly Farms Road.
Suspicious subjects on Dar-lington Heights Road.
Requesting assistance on Schultz Mill Road.